Blog Posts

With the changing of the season and fall colours sprouting on leaves, it’s a new semester at the University of Manitoba and many new students are walking the higher education gauntlet, navigating a confusing and chaotic new environment on campus. For some students associated with the Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance (WHA), this is your first time away from home. As researchers with a foot in the North, we understand that this can be an extra trying time. We at the Environmental Conservation Lab (ECL) would like to open our door and welcome you to campus and also give you a backstage pass to the

Opaskwayak Cree Nation Trappers Association and Fisher’s Co-op staged a successful protest against Manitoba Hydro this past week, capping off nine years of stalled negotiations between land users and the crown corporation. The issue on the table for this whole time was the disruption to livelihoods for trappers and fishers, after Cedar Lake and the Grand Rapids dam flooded their traditional territory 50 years ago. A peaceful blockade on Highway 6 near Ponton Station closed one lane of the highway, and protesters prevented any Manitoba Hydro freight from passing through. For personal vehic

August 5th marked the end of the first ever Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance Youth Camp, a five-day event in Norway House Cree Nation. We had 30 participants from over eight communities across Manitoba. During the camp youth engaged with elders, asked questions about their communities and learned about traditions and their land. The camp also served as an opportunity to discuss the impacts of hydro development on culture, families, and the environment. Each day there were opportunities to reconnect with ancestral practices through sweat lodge ceremonies, medicine gathering, beading workshops, and

This newsletter connects you with Indigenous water and land rights through stories, research, articles, community voices, and art. Content from communities all across the world provide a grass roots perspective on issues of development including, but not exclusively, hydro development. For paper copies please contact: or 204-474-9316 * Please note that an error was made in the printed newsletter on the map, located on pages 6 & 7 . The error, location of Waasikamaank (Wasagamack) First Nation, has been corrected on the digital copy above.

Original Article on the Winnipeg Free Press: A blockade of three Manitoba Hydro sites by Fox Lake Cree Nation ended on the weekend following talks between the Crown corporation and the First Nation. The Crown corporation announced an agreement had been reached following meetings with Hydro CEO Kelvin Shepherd, who arrived Friday morning at the band's request. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="333"] Original Photo: Winnipeg Free Press From left to right seated at table: Councillor Shawna Henderson, Councillor Martin Nicholas, Chief Walter Spence, CEO of Manitoba Hydro Kelvin

Elders and Traditional Peoples Gathering: Anishinaabemowin dago Aki (Language and the Land)   The connection that Languages have to the land constitutes an integral part of Indigenous people.  You are invited to listen and learn from Elders who shall share their stories and teachings. Keynote speakers: The Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair and Dr. Michael Hart.   Event Information: Date: March 23, 2016 Time: From 10:00am till 4:00pm Location: University of Manitoba (Fort Garry), Migizii Agamik (Aboriginal House), 114 Sidney Smith Street. (View Map).   S

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