Past Campaigns

Winnipeg Billboards call on MB Climate Minister Guillemard

In May 2021, a series of billboards and transit shelter ads in Winnipeg address Sarah Guillemard, MLA for Fort Richmond, stating: “MLA Sarah Guillemard, Don’t let Hydro destroy South Indian Lake.” The locations are: Pembina Hwy and Killarney (ES, ES, photo free for use) and a digital billboard across from Polo Park .

Almost 50,000 have signed a petition ( calling on Sarah Guillemard, Minister of Conservation and Climate, to reject Manitoba Hydro’s request for a final license for the Churchill River Diversion project.

“This license would grant Manitoba Hydro the power to permanently destroy land, water, and ultimately people’s lives.” says Angela Levasseur, who started the petition. Levasseur is from O-Pipon-Na-Piwin (South Indian Lake) and has experienced the devastating impact that Manitoba Hydro’s Augmented Flow Program (AFP) has on the people and environment.

“Their responses are stunningly dismissive and vague,” wrote Levasseur in an update to petition signers after receiving a second letter from Minister Guillemard’s office. “We are not going away, and I think Sarah Guillemard and Premier Brian Pallister are starting to realize this.”

“Our people were lied to. Before the AFP, South Indian Lake was a self-sufficient and vibrant community of 600 First Nations people who thrived. The basis for the community’s self-sufficiency and healthy lifestyle was our traditional economy of harvesting various species of fish, mainly a yield of over a million pounds of Lake Whitefish,” says Levasseur.

This all changed in 1973 when Manitoba Hydro was granted an interim license under the The Water Power Act. Manitoba Hydro did not respect the terms of the AFP license. They dammed the Churchill River, and resultant elevated water levels flushed contaminants including mercury, from the banks into the lake, polluting the water and the fish. The fish now have mercury levels so high that they are of concern to local residents, who rely on this as a food source.

Jim Senka, who worked for Manitoba Hydro and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans prior to the flooding says, “the effect of the flooding on this once thriving First Nations Community is heartbreaking and a metaphor for what the colonists have done to First Nations people and their land.” He notes that flooding damaged traditional traplines and hunting, the water in the lake is no longer drinkable, and the destruction of the culture was completely ignored by Manitoba Hydro in the pre-flooding consideration.

Manitoba Hydro did not respect the terms of the 1973 CRD Interim License and shortly after started testing the flooding and fluctuations. Manitoba Hydro has been operating under annual approvals of the Augmented Flow Program outside of its interim licence, and has applied for a permanent licence that the community and almost 50,000 supporters are trying to stop.

The AFP has never undergone any environmental review, causes great harm to the environment, and will continue further decimating the lake’s whitefish population and the economics of the community. Community members say meaningful consultation never took place and the people impacted will not stand for this.

The Wa Ni Ska Tan Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities is made up of over 25 First Nation and Métis communities with representation from leadership and/or community members, 23 researchers from eleven universities, and over 20 environmental and social justice NGOs and legal firms.  On November 30, 2020, Wa Ni Ska Tan Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities, said in a letter to Minister Guillemard:

“As an Alliance we have been documenting the many adverse impacts of hydro development in Manitoba, which are environmental, economic, cultural, and social in nature. The construction of mega dams throughout Northern Manitoba and the accompanying ‘man camps’ have resulted and are still resulting in rape and sexual assault, racism, substance abuse, displacement and relocation of entire communities, the loss of traditional livelihoods, suicide, environmental degradation caused by contruction, hydro corridors, fluctuating water levels, and flooding. The same environmental degradation leads to boating and snowmobile accidents, injuries, and deaths. This is far from an exhaustive list, but these impacts give you an idea of what happens when a crown corporation is allowed to operate with limited accountability and little to no meaningful consultation with the communities they are impacting.”

“Manitoba has a decided conflict of interest due to their direct involvement with Hydro. They should be recused from the decision making process and the public should be involved” says Richard ‘Dik’ Coats, an engineer, who was concerned about the harms caused by the original flooding and is now speaking out to try to stop the approval of the final license. He says in a January 21, 2021 letter to Minister Guillemard: “The original flooding of South Indian Lake was my first exposure to ‘engineering gone wrong’, and I was greatly disappointed with the lack of care and judgement shown by the profession. It is because of the initial devastation of South Indian Lake that I do not wear the traditional engineer’s ‘iron ring’.”

“Response by both the provincial government and the federal government, with the exception of the Green Party, have been sorely lacking” says Coats. On January 28, 2021 Green Party of Manitoba Leader James Beddome also sent a letter to Minister Guillemard. In a February 5 op-ed, Say no to augmented flow, in the Thompson Citizen, Beddome said “South Indian Lake was once the third-largest whitefish fishery in North America, but declined by 90 per cent following construction of the CRD. Now, without public review and under the cover of a pandemic, with time running out under The Water Power Act regulations, it looks like the Pallister government is going to quickly issue the final licence for the Churchill River Diversion over the objections of Indigenous communities and peoples, so Manitoba Hydro can apply for yet another 50-year licence.”

For the latest signature count and more information on the petition please see




Sign our postcards calling on the government to take action

We are excited to have launched our postcard campaign, where we have currently featured three community members from hydro affected communities. The ongoing campaign has four inquiries on the accountability of Manitoba Hydro.

Manitoba Hydro’s dams reliably power our lights, toasters and phones. They also drastically alter Manitoba’s 5 largest rivers. These rivers are wounded, as are the Indigenous communities on their shores.

In a spirit of healing, reconciliation, and fair sharing of benefits, we are calling on the Manitoba Government to:

  • Share water rental payments received from Hydro with impacted communities.
  • Commission an independent, credible body to conduct an operational review of Manitoba Hydro.
  • Stop allowing Manitoba Hydro to deviate from its originally approved Churchill River Diversion Licence.
  • Seriously review options to alter operations and reduce impacts before granting final licences and licence renewals.

Letter Writting Campaign

The Augmented Flow Program permits Manitoba Hydro to exceed water level changes of South Indian Lake beyond what outlined in the original license.  This fluctuation of lake water levels is a very destructive operation of questionable necessity.

Participate in a letter-writing campaign: write, email MLA’s and demand that they listen to communities who bear the consequences of Manitoba’s “clean” energy.

HERE you can access the letter writing template, and a list of MLA’s to send your letter to in support of hydro impacted communities

Walking to take us home

“It is my hope that we can make a difference for Granville Lake for the future”

        -David Bighetty

On August 2nd in 2018, David Bighetty, along with family and community members, completed their 1000km walk and arrived in Winnipeg, for a rally and talk at the Legislative building.  Bighetty spoke about his displaced community of Granville Lake, as well as the problems that have resulted. He called on all those able to join him to do so in raising awareness and pushing for momentum for his displaced community. Most importantly, he called on all First Nations people to join him in calling for justice and raising awareness for displaced communities.

Bighetty’s community of Granville Lake was displaced in 2003 due to unsafe sewage and water systems that left many community members sick. Since being relocated to Leaf Rapids in 2003, a whole generation of children has grown up without knowing their original home. Bighetty has been walking from Leaf Rapids to Winnipeg to raise awareness not only for mismanagement of these failed sewage and water systems, but also for the social repercussions that resulted from this forced relocation. There has been an increase in criminal activity, suicide, alcoholism, and community members don’t have access to traditional forms of hunting, fishing, and trapping. Signed monetary compensation agreements have fallen short, as money is unaccounted for.

The team at Wa Ni Ska Tan went out to help David spread his message, through many trips to Granville, documenting the story of Granville Lake through David’s eyes. The journey he and other concerned citizens took brought them to a successful event at the Legislative building, however much of the successes were seen on the journey itself. People along Highway 6 provided support through gas money, food, and the goodness of their hearts. The message was spread along Highway 6 throughout the month long journey, and people across Manitoba learned more about the struggles of Granville Lake and other displaced communities. The month long journey was successful in lobbying support and raising awareness for displaced communities.

Learn more about David’s walk, and check out the updates from his journey Here!