Environmental Partners

Formal partners of the Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance with an environmental mandate.

Boreal Action Project

Boreal Action is a grassroots environmental and social justice group. They have a long history of working effectively with Indigenous communities regarding boreal conservation around the world.

Green Action Centre

Green Action Centre plays a strong role in environmental and community education in Manitoba.  They promote green living through work related to green commuting, composting and waste, sustainable living and resource conservation.


LUSH is a highly successful cosmetics company with retail outlets around the world, while showing a strong commitment to environmental conservation, animal welfare, and human rights through its charity work.

Manitoba Eco-Network

Manitoba Eco-Network is a strong voice for environmental sustainability in the province. They facilitate education opportunities and help communities connect.

Manitoba Wildlands

Manitoba Wildlands is a strong advocate for the environment and indigenous communities affected by hydropower and other intensive resource extraction activities. They are a research organizations that provide technical and hard to find information on many environmental issues.

Tides Canada

Tides Canada is a national charity that helps Canadians secure a healthy environment in ways that promote social equity and economic prosperity.