Blog Posts

I’m Kianna Durston, a summer co-op student researcher for Wa Ni Ska Tan. During my first week with the team, I had the chance to travel to Kenora for the Treaty 3 Nibi (water) Declaration National Forum with two other research students. During this trip, we were able to attend and learn from those leading the water declaration, which was developed in collaboration with the Treaty 3 Women’s Council, the Territorial Planning Unit and the Decolonizing Water Governance. On the first day, we were welcomed with a warm breakfast and opening traditional protocols. We then met the women who sit

For Immediate Release 1 May 2019 Cree Presenters Expose Manitoba Hydro at UN Forum New York City — On Monday, April 29, representatives from three northern First Nations told the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues about the long-standing and ongoing damage caused by hydropower mega-projects in Manitoba. The five largest rivers in Manitoba have been dramatically and permanently altered by Manitoba Hydro, resulting in decades of environmental harm and human suffering. Presenters included: Chief Shirley Ducharme and Les Dysart of O Pipon-Na-piwin Cree Nation (

In May 2018, the PUB ruled in favour of a new rate category and rate for on-reserve residential customers. The ruling stated that this new category was to receive 0% increase for the 2018/2019 year. This is compared to the rest of Manitoba that would see a 3.6% average increase in rates from the 2017/2018 year. On August 2018, Manitoba Hydro filed to appeal this ruling based on two key points. A lack of jurisdiction on the part of PUB to make this ruling. A legislative requirement that states rates should be equal in regions across the province. For the first matter, the PUB arg

The fourth publication of our annual Alliance newsletter is now available. Inside you will find articles, stories, interviews and poems and recipes, all related to hydro. You will also find information and updates on some of the community and research projects we’ve both funded and taken part in this past year. Through many more stories from community voices, this newsletter connects you with issues related to hydro development from Manitoba and across Canada. If you are interested in submitting to our future newsletters, or would like print copies of the newsletter, please contact us

On Friday, March 22nd, over 150 people gathered at the Manitoba Hydro Place Courtyard and marched to the Legislative Building to call for responsible management of our water. Wa Ni Ska Tan co-hosted this event with the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition. This year we focused not only on hydro issues, but all major water issues affecting communities in Manitoba. The goal of the event was to address the social, cultural, economic, and environmental impacts on water caused by hydropower, agriculture, pollution, oil spills, and a lack of political will. The event highlighted the boil w

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