
Tanjina Tahsin has recently come from Bangladesh and is a first-year graduate student at the University of Manitoba’s Master of Environment program. She has a B.S. (Honours) degree in Soil, Water and Environment from University of Dhaka. During her Master’s degree from the same department she studied Environment as her major arena of focus and completed a thesis on contamination (heavy meta

Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie is a 23 year old Anishinaabe Two-Spirit from Sagkeeng First Nation, graduating with a BA in Indigenous Studies and Political Science. Sadie-Phoenix formerly was the Co-President for the UW Aboriginal Student Council; Aboriginal Student Commissioner for the Canadian Federation of Students MB; and Vice-President of External Affairs on the University of Winnipeg Students' Associ

From August 14th-18th youth from six communities joined together in Nelson House for the 2nd Annual Wa Ni Ska Tan Youth Camp. We began with a long day of arrivals and introductions. The first evening was spent setting up camp, enjoying a delicious dinner of stew, and hanging out on the beach with a bonfire waiting for the final arrivals. We arose early the next morning for a hike that l

The second publication of our annual Alliance newsletter is now available. Inside you will find articles, stories, interviews, poems and recipes, all related to hydro. Along with a community project and research update, a map indicating participating communities highlights a few key regions to pay close attention to. Not only focusing on Manitoba, this issue we have an article on Sustainable Wate

This June, community members, researchers, and NGOs met in Norway House Cree Nation for our annual Spring Gathering. Over the course of four days over eighty people from 19 Métis and First Nations communities came together to discuss and address the impacts of hydropower. Youth and elders were well represented, and it was a privilege to hear everyone’s stories and work together on steps to move

We are currently looking for submissions to be included in our second issue of the Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance newsletter. If you have a recipe, story, opinion, photo, art, or would like to do an interview, share some research, or knowledge, please contact us. We would really like to hear from you or anyone you know. 204-474-9316 Facebook This newsletter connects you w

With the changing of the season and fall colours sprouting on leaves, it’s a new semester at the University of Manitoba and many new students are walking the higher education gauntlet, navigating a confusing and chaotic new environment on campus. For some students associated with the Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance (WHA), this is your first time away from home. As researchers with a foot in the Nor

August 5th marked the end of the first ever Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance Youth Camp, a five-day event in Norway House Cree Nation. We had 30 participants from over eight communities across Manitoba. During the camp youth engaged with elders, asked questions about their communities and learned about traditions and their land. The camp also served as an opportunity to discuss the impacts of hydro de

This newsletter connects you with Indigenous water and land rights through stories, research, articles, community voices, and art. Content from communities all across the world provide a grass roots perspective on issues of development including, but not exclusively, hydro development. For paper copies please contact: or 204-474-9316 * Please note that an error was mad

Original Article on the Winnipeg Free Press: A blockade of three Manitoba Hydro sites by Fox Lake Cree Nation ended on the weekend following talks between the Crown corporation and the First Nation. The Crown corporation announced an agreement had been reached following meetings with Hydro CEO Kelvin Shepherd, who arrived Friday morning at the band's request. [caption id="" align="ali