
Hey there, I’m Rebecca, one of the Masters students working with Wa Ni Ska Tan! I joined the team in Fall 2019, and have been working to build our global connections following the Ki Ta Ski Naw conference we hosted in November. This incredible gathering brought together over 200 community members, researchers, activists, and allies from countries including Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Mexico, the U

By Emily Unger When I first heard the loud booming sound, I was startled, but didn’t think much of it. I figured there was ongoing construction nearby, and that it wouldn’t happen again. It was similar to that of a gunshot but echoed louder and lingered for longer. It was a sound like I had never heard before. The sound was repetitive over the next few days, and it was a topic of discuss

By Mathew Scammell Manitoba (MB) Hydro is once again straining its relationships with Indigenous communities. This time it is with the people of Misipawistik Cree Nation and Grand Rapids, who have had to live with the consequences of hydro development ever since the construction of the Grand Rapids Generating Station and its completion in 1968. This mega dam has had environmental, social, and e

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, March 6, 2020 Dr. Stéphane McLachlan, of the University of Manitoba, was announced today as a successful recipient of $500,000 in research funding as part of the Canadian 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Rapid Research Funding Opportunity competition. The Government of Canada announced the competition on February 5, 2020. Only 47 of the 227 submitted projects ac

By Michael Tyas This summer I’ve visited a number of First Nations communities in northern Manitoba through my work with the Wa Ni Ska Tan Alliance of Hydro Impacted Communities. These communities are linked by not only the devastating impacts of hydroelectric development and flooding; they also have slow-as-molasses data service. There were times that I would have a 10-second window of data

By: Dylan Kensick Taylor Galvin and I travelled to Pinaymootang First Nation for Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective’s Winter Gathering on January 20-21/2020. It was a great gathering with lots of people from different communities across Manitoba. There was food (excellent desserts!), juice, coffee, and tea provided throughout the whole event. Both days had activities for the people to par

By Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie I remember the early days when my older brothers would come home with a freshly snared wabos. I grew up in the reserve, so seeing dead animals was a normal way of living. I was not saddened because rabbits were adorable, instead I was deeply intrigued and wildly curious what they planned on doing it with it once it was snared. They would go into the laundry room and sit

By Shirley Ducharme Original Article featured in Winnipeg Free Press January 21, 2020 While in Winnipeg, federal cabinet members will talk about reconciliation while enjoying the spoils of our unreconciled existence. When they flick light switches or charge their phones, they will plug directly into the reality of our community, and others like it. That makes this a good time to invite them

By Bobbie Mang’eli, University of Manitoba The 2019 Ki Ta Ski Naw Conference was held from the 8th to 10th of November in downtown Winnipeg on the University of Winnipeg. It brought together participants from Manitoba, B.C, Newfoundland and Labrador, the USA, Mexico, Latin America, as well as India, to discuss social, environmental and economic hydro-development impacts and solutions. Ki Ta S

By Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie From September 20-27th, over 7.6 million people in 185 countries participated in more than 6,100 Global Climate Strike protests, 85 of which were Canadian cities and towns, including 1 million Canadians and 15 thousand people in Winnipeg. It has been claimed to be the largest global protest in history. People of all intersectionalities, including “73 trade unions, 820