
University of Manitoba Native Studies Graduate Students’ Association


Conference: Rising up – A Graduate Student Conference on International Compact, Knowledge and Research in Indigenous Graduate Studies

The University of Manitoba Native Studies Graduate Student Association from March 4 to March 5, 2016 will be hosting a two-day conference within which graduate students across all disciplines shall present their knowledge and research on the colonial edifice.  This conference is a free event and everyone is invited to attend.


Conference Agenda:

Friday, March 4th, 2016 – Senate Chamber, Engineering Building (EITC 3 – Room 262)

8:00 AM – Opening Pipe Ceremony – Carl Stone – Circle Room, Migizii Agamik – The Bald Eagle Lodge
9:30 AM – Welcoming Remarks by Leo Baskatawang, Rising Up Co-Chair & Dr. Peter Kulchyski, Department of Native Studies, Graduate Program Chair
Keynote: Tasha Hubbard, Gemini-Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker, Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Saskatchewan: “The concept of compact within kinship systems
11:00 AM – Paper Presentation Session: Legal and Political Issues
1:30 PM – Paper Presentation Session: Environment
3:00 PM – Paper Presentation Session: Theory
4:30 PM – Paper Presentation Session: Health
5:30 PM – Reception – Migizii Agamik – The Bald Eagle Lodge

Saturday, March 5th, 2016 – Senate Chamber, Engineering Building (EITC 3 – Room 262)

9:00 AM – Welcoming Remarks: Joe Dipple, Rising Up Co-Chair
Honoured Guest: Dr. Emma LaRocque, Professor, Department of Native Studies, U. of Manitoba
10:30 AM – Paper Presentation Session: Education
11:30 AM – Paper Presentation Session: Education
2:00 PM – Paper Presentation Session: Identity
4:00 PM – Paper Presentation Session: Economy
5:00 PM – Closing Pipe Ceremony – Carl Stone – Circle Room, Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge

Resource: University of Manitoba Today News. Retrieved from

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