Blog Posts

Nibi Onje Biimaadiziwin: ‘Water is Life’ Recently, water has become a high profile resource with terms such as ‘water is life’ and ‘water protectors’ gaining a foot hold in the national dialogue. Despite this wider understanding of waters’ sacred, life-giving role in our lives, there are few places left where different nations can gather together to share traditions, teachings, and build unity around water. Since 2013 Aimée Craft has been involved with organizing an annual local water gathering, the Anishinaabe Nibi (Water) Gathering, that does just that: unite. From May 24

The Research Committee recently met to discuss and evaluate five research proposals submitted in January 2017. Out of the five, two were approved. The other three required more information and revisions, we're hoping these will be submitted for our upcoming Spring intake in April. For now, we're pleased to share with the two latest projects to be added to Wa Ni Ska Tan research activities. An oral history and analysis of experiences and future opportunities in O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation (South Indian Lake) $47,176 Leslie Dysart, Community Association of South Indian Lake Ian Mauro,

The Anne Lindsay Protecting Our Earth Award (Earthie Award) is an annual award recognizing groups and individuals for their contributions in promoting sustainability and protecting ecosystems. First established in 1990, the Manitoba Eco-Network has acknowledged the creativity, diligence and commitment of their peers in presenting the award. In 2011, the award was renamed in honour of Anne Lindsey who retired from Manitoba Eco-Network after serving for 23 years as Executive Director.   This year the Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance was nominated along with five other individuals and o

On February 16th we had a chance to showcase some of the research taking place within the WHA and network with new students interested in getting involved. Usually we host community gatherings for our partners outside of Winnipeg. These are opportunities to network, share experiences, and work together to formulate research priorities. The Research Open House was an opportunity to host an event in our academic community, the University of Manitoba. Held on campus at St. John's College, we hosted over 100 students, community members, and faculty. Stéphane McLachlan and Peter Kulchyski

The last intake date for community project and research proposals was October 17th, 2016. The Research Committee met in November to assess the proposals and we're pleased to share with you the latest projects to be added to WHA activities. Legal Resources & Knowledge    $6,000     Proposal Submitted by: Jerch Law This project will fund two articling students to conduct preliminary research and analysis to inform the drafting of two legal memoranda. The first memorandum would explore and address the issue with respect to Tataskweyak Cree Nation's ("TCN") signature on, and agreeme

On November 25th the WHA Steering Committee met in Winnipeg to discuss next steps for the WHA and review research priorities, budgets, and core activities. The agenda included: [wr_1_2_column class="1"] Community & Research Projects Research Reporting WHA Activities [/wr_1_2_column][wr_1_2_column class="2"] Staffing Budget Spring Gathering [/wr_1_2_column]   Community & Research Projects Lake Winnipeg Indigenous Collective, funding requested $32,888 Project proposal focused on three on-going strategies: (1) Community outreach focused on treaty an

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