Blog Posts

In Memory of Jack Lovell (June 11, 1958 ~ February 22, 2019) It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of John (Jack) Lovell. Along with being a loving husband, father, son, brother, and uncle, Jack was also a PhD Candidate at the University of Manitoba, working with Stef McLachlan and Wa Ni Ska Tan. Jack was very active with Wa Ni Ska Tan from the very beginning and many Alliance members will remember friendly and insightful conversations with him at our annual Gatherings. Before coming to work with Stef at the University of Manitoba, Jack studied sociology and obtained a M

In memory of the Late Elder Elmer Courchene from Sagkeeng Anishinaabe First Nation, Treaty 1, who passed on Dec. 5/2018 at the age of 83, we wanted to pay tribute to the respected leader by sharing his speech from last year’s World Water Day on March 22nd 2018 at the Thunderbird House in Winnipeg Manitoba. The passing of Elmer Courchene was a huge loss still felt by those who knew him and those that worked with him over the years advocating for Indigenous peoples with the Assembly of First Nations and the community of Sagkeeng. In honouring Elmer Courchene, we hope that his knowledge will co

On Wednesday, January 16th, a representative from Manitoba Hydro came to the University of Manitoba campus to discuss prospective summer employment for Indigenous students. Hosted in Migizii Agamik, students gathered to listen to a 45 minute presentation on the how's and why's to apply for a summer position. The speaker provided statistics regarding Indigenous employment, stating that Manitoba Hydro has surpassed their goals for Indigenous employment numbers. They stated that 50% of their Northern employees, along with 10% of their self defined "professional" members identify as Indigenou

On Human Rights Day, December 10th, a group of about 35 supporters ended an eight-month long postcard campaign with a rally and march to the Manitoba Legislative building. Guests who spoke to our calls to action at the event included Rita Monias and Jackson Osborne from Pimickimak Cree nation, who have experienced hydro impacts in their community, spoke about their lives before hydro development. Dougald Lamont, the Liberal Party leader of Manitoba, and NDP MLA for Wolseley, Rob Altemyer, responded to our calls to action, letting us know that our voices are being heard and that th

This summer, our students worked on a large variety of projects! They travelled up north with us, and came to our gatherings. They assisted us with documentary project's, and assisted in organizing events, archiving and documentation, and communications. Read more below about what some of our summer students did: KSENIYA ZAIKA Originally from Belarus, Kseniya Zaika is an international scholar in global political history with a focus on marginalized national identities. She defended her Ph.D. in Political Science in Moscow with the expertise in Canadian Studies. Being a new comer to Canada, K

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