
Winter 2017 Research Update


The Research Committee recently met to discuss and evaluate five research proposals submitted in January 2017. Out of the five, two were approved. The other three required more information and revisions, we’re hoping these will be submitted for our upcoming Spring intake in April. For now, we’re pleased to share with the two latest projects to be added to Wa Ni Ska Tan research activities.

An oral history and analysis of experiences and future opportunities in O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation (South Indian Lake) $47,176

Leslie Dysart, Community Association of South Indian Lake

Ian Mauro, Melanie O’Gorman, Alan Diduck, and Jerry Buckland – U of Winnipeg

This research project is a partnership between the Community Association of South Indian Lake (CASIL) and the University of Winnipeg. The project is focusing on the creation of a film and oral history about hydro development in the community of South Indian Lake. This Cree language oral history will explore the perspectives of hunters, trappers, fishers and other local residents to better understand their lived experience with hydro through five short films. 1) A film capturing conversations with Elders regarding the impact of the flooding of South Indian Lake; 2) A film discussing the collapse of the fishery as a result of hydroelectric development; 3) A film on Wuskwatim and the politics surrounding the creation of O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation; 4) A discussion of the tactics used by Manitoba Hydro to ‘divide and conquer’ community members in order to reduce resistance to hydroelectric development; 5) A film on youth visions for the future in South Indian Lake and how this future will involve hydro.

Harvesting on the Churchill River: Indigenous sovereignty and the harvesting lifestyle in Northern Manitoba $7,091

Joseph Dipple, PhD Candidate with advisor, Peter Kulchyski

The objectives of this doctoral research are to review the implications of hydroelectric development’s vast and wide-ranging impacts on the Ininiwak harvesting lifestyle in northern Manitoba, to learn from and experience the harvesting lifestyle first-hand, provide recording opportunities for this form of knowledge, gain an understanding of unique perspectives of land to both individuals and communities, gain knowledge about the importance of respectful relationships to the land, and to support the knowledge of Ininiwak harvesters as experts.

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