
Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities Stands in Solidarity with Mi’kmaq Nation


October 21, 2020

We fully stand with the Mi’kmaq Nation and the Fishermen asserting their Mi’kmaq Treaty Fishing Rights for a “Moderate Livelihood” as per the 1752 Peace and Friendship Treaty.
We condemn the racist violent actions by the non-Indigenous commercial fishermen and allies, as well as the RCMP who have evidently failed to protect the Mikmaq people of continual colonial violence.

These continuous acts of colonial violence in ways of racist threats, intimidation, harassment, damage to property and stolen and poisoned crates of lobsters, on top of the biased actions/inactions of the DFO (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) highlight deeper systemic racial issues of suppressing Indigenous rights under the protection of Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution.

As an organization that is led by and engaged with Indigenous communities and students impacted by acts of violence and racism all across Turtle Island, we believe it is important to address colonial violence and systemic racism. We encourage others to support coast to coast including opposing the Coastal Gaslink pipeline in Wet’suwet’en territory and Trans Mountain Pipeline in Secwepemc territory to drill under sacred rivers used for subsistence. Also, Algonquin people are calling for a five-year moose hunting moratorium in Barriere Lake in Quebec.

Solidarity rallies are happening across Canada this week as part of a National Call for a Week of Actions by Idle No More to participate in actions, to Shut Canada Down and to draw attention to this very important issue.

There will be a Grassroots Rally & March on Friday Oct. 23rd at 4pm at the RCMP building. 1091 Portage Avenue. March location TBD. Speakers include Mi’kmaq folks residing in Treaty 1. They encourage folks to attend with signs, drums, wear masks and keep at a safe distance.

For a list of ways you can also support the Mi’kmaq people, follow here:
Follow hashtags #AllEyesOnMikmaki #MikmaqRights #LandBack
Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro-Impacted Communities

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