
Issue 2: Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance Newsletter


The second publication of our annual Alliance newsletter is now available. Inside you will find articles, stories, interviews, poems and recipes, all related to hydro. Along with a community project and research update, a map indicating participating communities highlights a few key regions to pay close attention to. Not only focusing on Manitoba, this issue we have an article on Sustainable Water Governance and Indigenous Law, from the University of British Columbia, discussing the SSHRC Partnership Grant. Ervin Bighetty reflects on his experiences in his article Life as a Northern Advisor, and Robert Spence of Tataskweyak Cree Nation shares photos from Churchill River and Thomas Lake. Through many more stories from community voices, this newsletter connects you with issues related to hydro development from Manitoba and across Canada.

For Print copies of the newsletter please contact or 204-474-9316

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