Indigenous Food Sovereignty Summit 2016
Too often we hear stories of food insecurity, of people going hungry, in Indigenous communities. Those stories are important, but so are the stories of how we are spending time on the land, growing, gathering, hunting, fishing, and trapping. In many cases, these traditional food practices; the knowledge, the ability and skills around the practices are already present in communities. But it often exists in small pockets, and there aren’t a lot of opportunities to share. It’s time to share stories that can help “reignite the fire within our communities,” as Byron calls it.
For the Indigenous Manitoba food sovereignty looks different from place to place, and nation to nation. Each of the five historic First Nations will be represented at the food summit: the Dene, Dakota, Cree, Ojibwe, and Oji-Cree and will share their food stories and insights into their food culture. This is gathering that is dedicated to bring organized by Indigenous people, for Indigenous people, and with Indigenous people.
It’s a gathering to spark that resurgence, to share, to laugh and to eat and to listen with our full hearts,
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