
Honoring The Voices


Honouring The Voices: Indigenous storytelling at University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus, March 7 to March 11, 2016

 Oral history plays a vital role in understanding the past and sharing it with those who come after. The use of this form of storytelling is a way to pass information from generation to generation. Honouring the Voices: 40 Years of First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Indigenous Health Research in Manitoba is an exhibit resulting from more than 50 interviews with people working in this important field over the past four decades.

As a way of celebrating 40 years of First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Indigenous health research, the Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (MFN CAHR) is bringing a week-long storytelling exhibit to the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus. Featuring over 45 oral histories, Honouring the Voices will officially open at noon on March, 7 in the multi-purpose room on the second floor of University Centre. Talks and a screening of the documentary, Honouring the Voices will follow. The exhibit will remain at this location until March, 9.

The oral histories were collected by MFN CAHR, in partnership with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Manitoba Métis Federation and Manitoba Inuit Association, and were used to spark an intriguing collection of interactive displays. The stories, told from a wide variety of perspectives, reveal the ways in which the research community has connected with, listened to and learned from First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Indigenous communities and organizations. While initial relationships varied in their degree of collaboration, today’s partnerships reflect a respect for self-determination and Indigenous knowledges.


“The University of Manitoba has a long and successful history of engaging in health research with First Nations, Inuit, Métis and other Indigenous peoples around the world,” says Dr. Josée Lavoie, Director of MFN CAHR. “It is because of this leadership that many amazing changes to the way research is performed have taken place, within Manitoba and nationally. We are thrilled to be able to honour and recognize those people who have helped shape the research process and look forward to seeing where the future of health research takes us.”

The exhibit will move to Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge from March, 10 to 11, 2016.

Exhibit Agenda:

March 7: Multi-Purpose Room in University Centre

12:00-1:00 – Doors Open | Exhibit open to the public
1:00-1:30 – Opening greetings from Monica Cyr, Human Nutritional Sciences student; Marlene Atleo, Faculty of Education; Josée Lavoie, Centre for Aboriginal Health Research; and Elder Marlene Kayseas
1:30-2:30Why Indigenous Research Matters: Thoughts, Insights and Reflections from Leading Scholars at the U of M. Plenary Round-Table Discussion with Marlene Atleo (Education); Frank Deer (Education); Brenda Gunn (Law); and Emma LaRoque (Native Studies)
2:30-3:00 – Screening of the Honouring the Voices documentary (Free Snacks, Tea and Coffee)
3:00-4:00 – Coffee and Conversation- Join us as we think about what Indigenous research in Manitoba can look like, when thinking about healthy communities, people and environments.

March 8-9: Multi-Purpose Room in University Centre

8:30-5:00 – Exhibit open to the public

March 10: Migizii Agamik

8:30-5:00 – Exhibit open to the public

March 11: Migizii Agamik

8:30-5:00 – Exhibit open to the public
11:30-1:00 – Free hot lunch and open conversations about First Nations, Inuit and Métis health and research


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