Fall 2017 Research Update
The Research and Steering Committees got together in mid-October to review proposals that were submitted for our fall intake date, September 18th, 2017. We received three project proposals of which two were approved. The third was sent back for more information and revisions. Here are the two community projects that were approved. The next intake date is January 15th, 2018.
Grand Rapids Documentation & Archival Project $17,746
Gerald McKay, Grand Rapids
This purpose of this project is to preserve historical pictures and articles that were written before the construction of the Grand Rapids dam. This will include what life was like before the dam was built, the fishery that was said to employ one thousand workers at Horse Island, the trapping industry at Summerberry marsh, and the importance of the rapids to the community, physically and economically. The project will involve Grade 12 students from Grand Rapids School and include outreach to former residents who have moved to Easterville, Selkirk, The Pas and Winnipeg.
Pickerel Narrows First Nation Elders’ Lodge $15,000
Elders Gordon (Sr.) and Irene Bighetty, Pickerel Narrows First Nation
Jack Lovell, PhD Candidate with advisor Stef McLachlan
This project is focused on the preservation and enhancement of Indigenous spiritual and cultural identity and is intended to help retain and preserve the uniqueness of the Pickerel Narrows First Nation (PNFN) community despite the many long years since their unexpected displacement. The main activity of this project is the construction of an Elders’ Lodge to be located on the “Thunder Ground” camp-site on the shore of Granville Lake on PNFN tribal lands. This is the site of their annual Sun Dance. The intent of the Elders’ Lodge is to provide a safe and holistic place throughout the year where elders, adults, and youth are to made welcome to share their knowledge and pass on the critically important ‘core Indigenous knowledge and spirituality’ to preserve a way of life that is being threatened with cultural assimilation from ongoing effects of colonialism.