
First Nations Communities participating with the Wa Nis Ka Tan Hydro Research Alliance Team

Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

Bronkenhead Ojibway Nation

Fox Lake Cree Nation

Fox Lake Cree Nation

Norway House

Kinosao Sipi Cree Nation, Norway House

Black River

Little Black River


Misipawistik Cree Nation,        Grand Rapids<


Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, Nelson House

O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation,                                      South Indian Lake


Peguis First Nation


Pimicikamak Cree Nation,        Cross Lake


Sagkeeng First Nation

Swan Lake

Swan Lake First Nation



Wanipigow, Hollow Water        Ojibwe Nation


Wasagamak First Nation

Stay on the Look Out! for a Story Map which shall highlight Indigenous Communities' history and experiences on Hydropower development. Thanks for patience.

“December 16th, 2015 marks the 38th birthday of the [northern flood] agreement. And since its inception nothing much has happened but destruction and it’s the destruction that has opened up many eyes of our people.”

- Mervin Garrick, Pimicikamak Cree Nation, Cross Lake

“Island Lake is not directly affected […] with the dams, electric dams, and our elders teach us that our land is still pristine in the Island Lake communities. We still drink from the water. We’re fortunate to drink from the lake of Island Lake.”

- Byron Beardy , Island Lake

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