Category:  advocacy

On Human Rights Day, December 10th, a group of about 35 supporters ended an eight-month long postcard campaign with a rally and march to the Manitoba Legislative building. Guests who spoke to our calls to action at the event included Rita Monias and Jackson Osborne from Pimickimak Cree nation, who have experienced hydro impacts in their community, spoke about their lives before hydro

The cross-examination portion of the National Energy Board (NEB) hearings came to a close last Friday, the 22nd of June, at the Delta Hotel in Winnipeg. Legal representatives of Indigenous First Nations stood before the NEB to question Manitoba Hydro on the construction and consultation process of the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project (MMTP). Pursuant to First Nations’ concerns in relat

Formed in early January 2018, the RCEA & AFP Working Committee have been working hard to bring attention to the inadequacies of both the Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment and the Augmented Flow Program and calling for the rejection of both. This letter to the Province of Manitoba is one action in a series of actions we are undertaking to make Manitoba Hydro accountable to hydro-impacted c

Wa Ni Ska Tan is an intervenor in the National Energy Board's (NEB) hearings regarding Manitoba Hydro's application to proceed with the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project (MMTP). The project requires the construction and operation of a 500 kV alternating current international power line (IPL) extending from Manitoba Hydro’s Dorsey Converter Station (located near Rosser, north-west of Wi

This June, community members, researchers, and NGOs met in Norway House Cree Nation for our annual Spring Gathering. Over the course of four days over eighty people from 19 Métis and First Nations communities came together to discuss and address the impacts of hydropower. Youth and elders were well represented, and it was a privilege to hear everyone’s stories and work together on steps to move

Nibi Onje Biimaadiziwin: ‘Water is Life’ Recently, water has become a high profile resource with terms such as ‘water is life’ and ‘water protectors’ gaining a foot hold in the national dialogue. Despite this wider understanding of waters’ sacred, life-giving role in our lives, there are few places left where different nations can gather together to share traditions, teachings, and

Interchurch Council of Hydropower: Power North: Positive Action Plan   More and more non-Indigenous Canadians feel a need for reconciliation with Indigenous people. They believe there is a need to make things right, to live together in a better way. But what exactly might reconciliation look like? Hydropower in Manitoba provides a good example. Manitobans are plugged into