
The last intake date for community project and research proposals was October 17th, 2016. The Research Committee met in November to assess the proposals and we're pleased to share with you the latest projects to be added to WHA activities. Legal Resources & Knowledge    $6,000     Proposal Submitted by: Jerch Law This project will fund two articling students to conduct preliminary re

On June 1 the WHA Steering Committee met to discuss next steps for the WHA based on our successful application for the SSHRC Partnership Grant and the outcomes from the Spring Gathering in Brokenhead Ojibway Nation. The agenda included: [wr_1_2_column class="1"] Organizational Structure Working Committees Decision-Making Year 1 Budget Youth Camp [/wr_1_2_column][wr_1_2_colum

We know that the WHA has community members and researchers with a diversity of skills, knowledge, opinions and abilities, and we want to celebrate this diverse expertise. There are a number of different ways to contribute to the Wa Ni Ska Tan Hydro Alliance: share a recipe or skill, contribute your knowledge, tell a story, etc... Below you will find more details about how you can be involved a

[caption id="attachment_2161" align="alignright" width="300"] The group with Gerald McKay in Grand Rapids[/caption] One week, eight communities. A whirl-wind northern tour of hydro-affected communities. This year's tour was the third of its kind and took place from June 6th to 12th. Facilitated by Peter Kulchyski, this year saw thirteen students, researchers, and artists visit Grand Rapids,

Over the course of three days, from April 28th to 30th, 90 community members, researchers and NGO representatives met in Brokenhead Ojibway Nation to discuss the impacts of hydro development in Manitoba and celebrate the successful application of the Hydro Research Alliance Partnership Grant. A total of 20 communities and 11 organizations were represented, along with researchers and stu

We've barely had a chance to shout "Woohoo!" but some Hydro Alliance researchers have hit the ground running, submitting proposals for hydro-related research. In response, the WHA Steering Committee suggested an ad-hoc Research Committee be set-up to read and assess these early research proposals. A more formal process is being set up for Fall 2016, but in the mean time we are very excited to sha

On December 4th and 5th, 2014, the first meeting of what would later become Wa Ni Ska Tan: An Alliance of Hydro Impacted Communities took place at the Friendship Centre in Thompson, Manitoba. The meeting was attended by 62 people, including representatives from 13 Cree and Anishinaabe First Nations, five NGOS, and 11 researchers. Importantly, the meeting represented the first opportunity